Public Library
Our public collection is free for anyone to access.
Anyone may contribute content to our collection.
Our role as a public library is to provide universal access to our public collection and resources for free, while preserving all knowledge, culture, art and ideas. We believe everyone deserves access to knowledge, in any form, and that we can work together to preserve and allocate that resource to everyone in a way that allows for collaboration and sharing.
WordPress is the Library Management System used for managing our digital collection. We’re committed to building library management tools that can be used for free by any individual or institution to manage and expand public collections.
Our systems integrate with other public libraries, data repositories, and hosting providers to form one of the worlds largest search networks of public domain content. We integrate public resources from some of the worlds most well known sources and platforms.
We developed our own plugin to make it super simple for you to allow your community to share resources and archive history. Install the plugin on your own WordPress site and add the shortcode {file-frontend-upload license=”publicdomain”} to the page you want the upload form on. Want to add it to a special collection? Simply add collections under “license” each separated by a comma. When users upload a file using the form a copy will be stored locally on your site and another sent to us to store permanently in the public domain.